Modern Music


ink, watercolor, colored pencils on cotton paper,
75 x 105 cm

This artwork is currently on view at "Bref Rive Gauche" in Vannes, France.
It will be shipped after the show in early October.

Framed painting: 6000 euro (only for local pick-up)


This painting comes unframed for ease of shipping.
I would recommend taking a bigger frame and getting a custom passe-partout so it doesn’t touch the glass. A painting that touches the glass can be ruined due to possible condensation.

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ink, watercolor, colored pencils on cotton paper,
75 x 105 cm

This artwork is currently on view at "Bref Rive Gauche" in Vannes, France.
It will be shipped after the show in early October.

Framed painting: 6000 euro (only for local pick-up)


This painting comes unframed for ease of shipping.
I would recommend taking a bigger frame and getting a custom passe-partout so it doesn’t touch the glass. A painting that touches the glass can be ruined due to possible condensation.

ink, watercolor, colored pencils on cotton paper,
75 x 105 cm

This artwork is currently on view at "Bref Rive Gauche" in Vannes, France.
It will be shipped after the show in early October.

Framed painting: 6000 euro (only for local pick-up)


This painting comes unframed for ease of shipping.
I would recommend taking a bigger frame and getting a custom passe-partout so it doesn’t touch the glass. A painting that touches the glass can be ruined due to possible condensation.

The core idea was to set some music-related trash in a canopy with a concerto of birds.
You can see the music devices I have personally used: a cassette player, CD player, MP3 player, and currently my smartphone. I also have a few headphones here and there.

At some point, I also decided to focus on endangered species:
- star magnolia (upper right)
- the butterfly Scarce tortoiseshell (Nymphalis xanthomelas) in its three states (caterpillar, chrysalis, and butterfly - upper right)
- yellow-breasted bunting (Emberiza aureola) (bird in dark indigo and yellow on the right)
- the bird “Bugun Liocichla” from India (bottom left)
- Hawaiian tree cotton (Kokia Drynarioides) (the big orange flower in the center - it’s more leaning towards scarlet red in real life)
- the Hawaiian bird Akohekohe. (black and orange on the bottom right)
- and the lesser spotted fritillaries (Melitaea trivia) (a butterfly - also in its three states: caterpillar, chrysalis, and butterfly - bottom) (popultion increasing again)

L'idée principale était de placer des déchets liés à la musique avec un concerto d'oiseaux. Vous pouvez voir les appareils de musique que j'ai personnellement utilisés, un lecteur de cassettes, un lecteur CD, un lecteur MP3 et actuellement mon smartphone. Également quelques écouteurs ici et là.

À un moment donné, j'ai également décidé de me concentrer sur des espèces en voie de disparition :
- le magnolia étoilé (en haut à droite)
- la vanesse du saule (Nymphalis xanthomelas) dans ses trois états (chenille, chrysalide et papillon - en haut à droite)
- le bruant auréole (Emberiza aureola) (oiseau en indigo foncé et jaune à droite)
- l'oiseau « Bugun Liocichla » d'Inde (en bas à gauche)
- Kokia Drynarioides (la grande fleur orange au centre, une espèce endémique hawaïenne - elle penche en fait plutôt vers le rouge écarlate dans la vraie vie)
- l'oiseau hawaïen Akohekohe. (noir et orange en bas à droite)
- et le Mélitée du bouillon-blanc (Melitaea trivia) (un papillon - également dans ses trois états : chenille, chrysalide et papillon - en bas) (sa population est à nouveau en augmentation)

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