“Relics” Solo Show
My most recent solo show “Relics” is now live on Beinart Gallery.
Relic: an object, tradition, or system from the past that continues to exist. (Cambridge Dictionary)
A collection of objects from now and then, being taken over by an effervescent and colorful growth.

Plastic Bottles
This year I worked on a new series of plastic bottles that I painted in bright metallic paints.
Some of these sculptures have sold, some are currently on view around the world and one will soon be shown.
I wanted to write up a small recap of that series, so here it is!

Luscious Legacy - Solo Show
My debut solo show with Arch Enemy Arts gallery in Philadelphia, USA. And also a new youtube video!

Sauvage - Solo Show
Hello everyone!
It’s been a while!
I’m happy to announce that I finished two solo shows, one of which is currently on view at “B.r.e.f. Rive Gauche” in Vannes, France.

Game of Shrooms 2024
It’s going to be my fifth year participating in this worldwide art event.If you’ve never heard of it, “Game of Shrooms” is a world-wide hide-and-seek art event in which anyone can make mushroom-themed artworks and hide them for people to find and keep. (…)

The World
Three new sculptures, with their meaning and thought process.

Year of The Dragon
Hello everyone! And a happy year of the dragon! Technically it was yesterday, but more on that later in this post. For the year of the dragon I was invited to a group show hosted at Modern Eden Gallery, which is currently on show until March 7th, (…)

Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024!
I haven’t taken the time to properly blog for far too long this year, it’s been quite an intense year for me! Social media also doesn’t help, and it’s been taking all the writing energy out of me.But this is not a post to rant about social media and their bullying algorithm!So without further addition, here a recap’ of what I created.

Luminance - Caran d’Ache
Hello everyone!
I recently swatched all luminance pencils from Caran D’ache over on my YouTube channel.I received the whole set while working on (…)

Coastal Discovery Museum
A quick note to let you know that I send out a few paintings to the Coastal Discovery Museum who will be showcasing a beautiful exhibition with amazing artists… (read more)

Art Commission
Today I’d like to show you a sculpture that has been in the works for the last 6 months.I reopened commissions this year (…)

For Planet Ocean
During June of 2023, I participated in ocean conservation awareness with the yearly challenge @forplanetocean along (…) (read more)

Deep Sea Mining
Deep sea mining is the process of sending a machine deep down to gather so-called pollymetallic nodules. Those nodules are made of the rare metals we need (…)

Shroomdrop 2023
Hello everyone!
It’s that time of the year again, The “Game of Shrooms” is almost there! An annual event where (…)

Hello everyone!
Today is a bit of bittersweet post I suppose. My oldest cat, Doudou, passed away (…)

Coloring Book!
Hello everyone!
It is with great joy that I can finally announce that I have been working on a coloring book over the last year!
So many of you asked for one when I started to (…)

Hedgehog & Hare
Hello everyone!
I was recently invited to a group show about the Grimm’s fairytale at ArchEnemy Arts gallery in Philadelphia, where I was prompted to pick a fairytale and make an artwork about it… (read more)

Blooming Camera
Hello there!
I wanted to share a little about my latest ink and watercolor painting. Of course I didn’t wrote a blog post in time and (…)

Beautifying Trash
Hey there!
First off, I wish you all a very happy new year! I hope you’ll stay healthy and well.
I have recently been working on a few trash objects and turned them into artworks (….)

Australian Impressions
Hello everyone!
I edited this fun little clip of some of my sketches in Australia. I did sketch on location and from my own pictures mostly. (read more)