Dugongs à Suscinio


Ink, Watercolor, Acrylic Gouache and Colored Pencils on Cotton Paper
56 x 42 cm (16,5 x 22 inches)

This artwork is currently on view at "Bref Rive Gauche" in Vannes, France.
It will be shipped after the show in early October.


This painting comes unframed for ease of shipping.
I would recommend taking a bigger frame and getting a custom passe-partout so it doesn’t touch the glass. A painting that touches the glass can be ruined due to possible condensation.

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Ink, Watercolor, Acrylic Gouache and Colored Pencils on Cotton Paper
56 x 42 cm (16,5 x 22 inches)

This artwork is currently on view at "Bref Rive Gauche" in Vannes, France.
It will be shipped after the show in early October.


This painting comes unframed for ease of shipping.
I would recommend taking a bigger frame and getting a custom passe-partout so it doesn’t touch the glass. A painting that touches the glass can be ruined due to possible condensation.

Ink, Watercolor, Acrylic Gouache and Colored Pencils on Cotton Paper
56 x 42 cm (16,5 x 22 inches)

This artwork is currently on view at "Bref Rive Gauche" in Vannes, France.
It will be shipped after the show in early October.


This painting comes unframed for ease of shipping.
I would recommend taking a bigger frame and getting a custom passe-partout so it doesn’t touch the glass. A painting that touches the glass can be ruined due to possible condensation.

This painting is also a drawing in my coloring book.

Cette peinture est également un dessin dans mon livre de coloriage.

Seagrasses are marine plants that live in shallow, sheltered areas around our coast. They provide a variety of essential ecosystems, including storing carbon, producing oxygen, stabilizing our coastlines, improving the water quality and clarity of our oceans, and increasing ocean biodiversity.
Seagrasses are the meadows of the ocean, and I wanted to showcase that in this painting with grazing dugongs instead of cows. The background showcases the Castle of Suscinio, a beautiful building near my home.

Les herbiers marins sont des plantes marines qui s’installent dans des zones peu profondes et abritées à proximité des côtes marines. Ils fournissent une variété d'écosystèmes essentiels, notamment le stockage du carbone, la production d'oxygène, la stabilisation de nos côtes, l'amélioration de la qualité et de la clarté de l'eau de nos océans et l'augmentation de la biodiversité océanique. Les herbiers marins sont les prairies de l'océan, et je voulais mettre en valeur cela dans ce tableau avec des dugongs en train de paître au lieu de vaches. L'arrière-plan met en valeur le château de Suscinio, un magnifique bâtiment près de chez moi.

Moray Party
Vannes Tropicale
Atelier Temporaire