Sharks in the City


Watercolor and Ink on Cotton Paper
26 x 36 cm (12,2 x 14,1inches)


Frame in pictures for illustrative purposes only.

This painting comes unframed for ease of shipping.
It will come with a card mount, as it was professionally framed for a local show. You will only need a frame.

Framed painting: 600 euro (only for local pick-up)
Encadré: 600 euro (uniquement sur Vannes)

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Watercolor and Ink on Cotton Paper
26 x 36 cm (12,2 x 14,1inches)


Frame in pictures for illustrative purposes only.

This painting comes unframed for ease of shipping.
It will come with a card mount, as it was professionally framed for a local show. You will only need a frame.

Framed painting: 600 euro (only for local pick-up)
Encadré: 600 euro (uniquement sur Vannes)

Watercolor and Ink on Cotton Paper
26 x 36 cm (12,2 x 14,1inches)


Frame in pictures for illustrative purposes only.

This painting comes unframed for ease of shipping.
It will come with a card mount, as it was professionally framed for a local show. You will only need a frame.

Framed painting: 600 euro (only for local pick-up)
Encadré: 600 euro (uniquement sur Vannes)

This painting is also a drawing in my coloring book.

Cette peinture est également un dessin dans mon livre de coloriage.

I picked the city of Vannes as a setting, as it’s where I currently live. In my work, however, humankind is absent, allowing space and recovery for the rest of nature.
Coral reefs are a rich and diverse ecosystem that is home to many species, both friends and foes.
Regrettably, coral reefs are currently under severe threat from two main issues: global warming and the rise of acidity due to pollution.
Coral reefs are very sensitive to temperature changes and will lose their polyps, eventually bleaching.
Acidity is even worse as it's attacking the hard part of the coral, slowly dissolving it.

J'ai choisi Vannes comme décor urbain pour ce tableau. Cependant, dans cette peinture, l'humanité est absente, laissant place au coraux.
Les récifs coralliens sont un écosystème riche et diversifié qui abritent de nombreuses espèces.
Malheureusement, les récifs sont actuellement gravement menacés par deux problèmes principaux : le réchauffement climatique et l'augmentation de l'acidité due à la pollution. Les récifs sont très sensibles aux changements de température et perdent leurs polypes, finissant par blanchir. L'acidité est encore pire car elle attaque la partie dure du corail, la dissolvant lentement.

Disposable Pen Series #18 Lesser Purple Emperor Caterpillar
Flower Power (Fossil Fuel Factory)
Less (Plastic) Is More
Bittersweet, 2024