Surreal Salon 10

Candi(e-d Watch, Sculpture, 2017, Stéphanie KilgastI am very excited to announce that my work is going to be part of the Surreal Salon 10 in Baton Rouge Gallery!I've known since december, and for those who might have looked closely, I wrote it in my current exhibition tab on my website and CV.The two pictures below are courtesy of Baton Rouge Gallery.I won't be able to attend the surreal salon soirée, although I would love to come, as the plane ticket to go there is very expensive. Yes, I checked. And yes, I wept silently inside a little.Also I am thrilled to see that my work has been properly displayed for once! So yaay!Hopefully I'll get more opportunities like that in the future :)And if you happen to be able to go to that exhibition, please share your pictures with me!You can do so on any social media I am on and just tag me in your picture :)xxStéphanieSurreal Salon 10, Baton Rouge GallerySurreal Salon 10, Baton Rouge GallerySurreal Salon 10, Baton Rouge Gallery


Dancing Mantisses + Tutorial


1st Sculpture of 2018