Rainbow Bottles

Rainbow Bottles, Mixed Media on Plastic Bottle, 2020, Stephanie Kilgast
Rainbow Bottles, Mixed Media on Plastic Bottle, 2020, Stephanie Kilgast

Hello everyone!

It's been a while that I haven't posted about new finished artworks.
Since the rainbow room I painted last year at dédale, I have been putting a lot more time and effort in each artwork, because I realized, that is the most precious thing an artist can offer to the world, its time.

Since the beginning of the year, well actually last year, I have been working on these very bright candy like colored plastic bottles.
At the core, this series is about plastic pollution and the biggest myth of our societies: plastic is never green.
When you recycle it you always have to add new fresh plastic to it, so it can't be a closed loop.
Also plastic can only be recycled a few times, after that it looses its structure too much.

As a general rule of thumb, packaging is always a bit of an issue and should be kept to a minimum or avoided if possible.
Even with actually eco-friendly packaging materials, you still need a lot of energy and ressources to make the packaging and then still a lot of energy to recycle it.

It always makes be a bit sad when brands spend so much energy, time, effort and materials on pretty packaging instead of keeping it at a minima and spending time making their product ethical and sustainable. But this is just how mad our world is.


The black bottle had a bit of an accident, so I will have to repair it or just keep it to myself.
I'm working on darker more muted tones right now, so it will fit nicely in my next art update.
The orangutan and octopus are being send today to Beinart Gallery for their upcoming group show "Small Works".
The three others are available amont other available artworks.


I am fine, are you?



Ocean Acidification


Earth Day - 50th Anniversary