Earth Day - 50th Anniversary


Candi(e)d Watch, Sculpture, 2017, Artwork by Stéphanie Kilgast
Candi(e)d Watch, Sculpture, 2017, Artwork by Stéphanie Kilgast

For the 50th anniversary of #EarthDay 🌍
I dug out "Candi(e)d Watch", 2017. 👁️🌻🌼👀
In this one, nature is watching us, humans, as our history unravels.
It feels more true now, with the Covid-19 crisis, than ever.
In these uncertain times, when systemic change is forced upon us, the question remains.
Will we be able to choose a path that is sustainable and socially just ?

We certainly live at a historic moment but we have to be as watchful as ever at what is going to be implemented. This is not a time to be dormant about it. Revolutions always start at the bottom and governments are nothing without the support of the base.

We need a green revolution, a social one and an economic one. The whole system is currently being teared down and building a new one back up, especially in a time of crisis, is bound to be complex and will take a few years. but it might just be the nudge to gear towards a better world.

While we might rejoice in the end of our current madness, we should not let our guards down and be careful at what we do next. -----
Don't forget that the notion of economy is only an intellectual and societal construct, however natural ressources are a reality. 🌍



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