Merry Christmas - Joyeux Noël

`Merry Christmas 2011

As you might see I got a macro lens! Yaay! It's way fun to take pictures with it and I'm utterly happy about it ^^I got the Canon EF-S 60mm f/2.8 Macro USM, after a lot of research on the web and the advice of a pro. I'm more than happy I took the time to choose this one. And it was quite cheap too. (well... cheap for a lens obviously... it still did cost an arm ^^')The quality is fab even by low light. And the bokeh is perfection *___* I played  around with Xmas decorations, but I need to improve on my macro "skills". I think I'm too monochrome so far, but hey, the pictures are pretty cool nonetheless (say yes huhu).Comme vous pouvez le voir, j'ai acheté un objectif macro.J'ai choisi le Canon EF-S 60mm f/2.8 Macro USM, après beaucoup de recherches et l'avis d'un pro. Bref, je l'adore, il est parfait.Evidemment, je dois un peu travailler mes compositions, c'est un poil trop monochrome pour l'instant, mais je me suis bien amusée et les photos sont assez jolies (dîtes oui!)All that blabbing for a short message:Tout ce blabla pour un message court:

Merry Christmas :)
Joyeux Noël :)






PetitPlat on Television!!! DW-TV :) (click here to see the video)


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