Christmas in the Air ... and other crappy stuff

 Just some mini crêpes that too me ages to finish. I need holidays. *yawns*


Yeah well, I just discovered some moldy miniature baskets in my studio.
Now maybe it's because I'm overwhelmed with work, sick of the unending construction work in our flat (don't get me started on this). But now that might just be the drop too much.
Gosh I'd like to shout, scream and insult the stupid furniture.

Now, since we don't want to be negative (and hey it's no fun right?) I thought, hey I'm going to show you our Christmas Deco of this year.

So our Christmas tree is an unfinished forest of green paper triangles.
Yes it was fun and ooh so cheap and space saving. So yay! It might change place though, because we just ordered a dryer (the laundry just doesn't dry here and gets moldy, oh joy!) but well, I think it's fun. We might finish it in January though, since we're so slow. Hahaha, this isn't even a joke duuuh ^^'


Yeah and this is our dinner table, with some cookie boxes brought from London and 2 tiny Xmas trees, one is from my dollhouse and the other one, my Mum got me for my first year in Paris.

So yes, that's about it. Now if you'll excuse me I still have plenty of work and a solution to find regarding where to stock the miniature baskets. Oh yes and check if nothing else is moldy. 
Oh et pour ceux qui ne parlent pas anglais, hop google translate. Qui est nul hein, on est d'accord, va falloir se mettre à l'anglais, les coco :)

Merry Christmas - Joyeux Noël

