Creating is more fun, meaningful and important than social media.
Hello everyone!
I have been using Instagram since 2012 for a total of 9 years, sometimes posting daily.
This app has been a huge part of my life and art career for almost a decade and has been very helpful in my various endeavors, from when I was still sculpting miniature food to where I am currently at in my artistic journey.
I have found friends and a like-minded art community for which I am very grateful. I connect with others artists on Instagram daily, either reacting to their work or through private messages.
It helped me gain an audience, a following and inspired me a great deal.
I still enjoy the app to keep up with what others are working on and connect with other artists.
However, I have been growing steadily more frustrated and, let's admit it, depressed with Instagram.
My engagement keeps plummeting, my total followers isn't just stagnating but going down, and while I do my best to stay focused on all the positive in my life and art career, I would be lying if I told you it doesn't affect me.
The total likes I get on posts directly affect my mood, and while I can rationally acknowledge that this is silly and rather pointless, it is nonetheless true.
The engagement has stopped making sense about a year ago, and as much as I have sporadically tried to play the algorithm game, I am left sour, unhappy, and unfocused.
Now we've become content creators, or shall I say machines, having to create videos like TikTok, being more aggressive, personal, entertaining. I'm not even sure what needs to be done anymore or if one can do much about it. Instagram is crowded and dying away. You are either on trend or you aren’t. I am not.
I feel so old and tired of this, and I think this is not a healthy relationship anymore.
I'm sure you are also aware of the dangers of social media on your brain right now and how it sucks you into a hole, taking all of your attention for hours before spitting you out, empty and numb.
While I don't see myself cutting Instagram completely off my life, at least not for now, I will take a much-needed break from it.
This is taking too much negative space in my brain, and I want to stop the vicious circle, even if it is only for a couple of months.
I won't uninstall the app as I use it as a messenger and so the idea is mostly to not bother with posting nor checking the feed.
By stepping away from Instagram (I don't really use other platforms as much), I would simply like to achieve the following:
Spend less time scrolling, posting, and hoping for likes and put more of my time into my work.
Try and be more connected locally. I tend to rely on the internet too much for social interactions, and while it has its perks, I think it is inherently a mistake.
Enjoy the act of creation without feeling pressured to share about it on a daily/weekly basis, but rather take the time to give proper updates here on this blog every month.
Come up with a better organization and plan on how to share about my work online in a manner that doesn't destroy my spirit.
Have a proper disconnected break! We’re going hiking in August and I’m eager to do it old school, taking proper pictures and then sharing them here on this blog, like in the good ol’ days :)
I will also be re-opening the comment section, so feel free to participate.
Maybe you've wanted to take a break from social media as well? In this case, let me know, and let's do this together!
Or maybe you love it so much you can’t imagine a day without it, and that’s fine too :)
Further reading:
Gwenn Seemel - Canceling Facebook and Instagram without Offending People
Rebecca Green - An Intermission from instagram
I also recently made a video about this topic, where I give some advice.
I am in fact following my own advice, if it becomes too much, just step away from it.