Hong-Kong Exhibit - Work in Progress - 2

Heeey!Soooo. I'm dead. I worked all WE on the displays. I'm supposed to fill 4 cabinets (hahaha) and I've done 2 (well done is a big bad word here).I'm more than struggling to fill those cabinets, since well my work is in miniature so it doesn't take much space ^^'Anyway!Here some pictures of the "rooms".Bon comme je suis un peu naze, en très bref, j'ai passé mon WE à préparer les vitrines pour l'expo de Hong-Kong mais je n'ai pas du tout fini et je suis vaguement au bord du désespoir. Il me reste 2 semaines hahaha. ><
In case you live in HK or near HK:
Dans le cas où vous habitez à HK ou à proximité de HK :
APM Mall in Hong Kong
418, Kwun Tong Road
Exhibit / Exposition 6 December to the 6 January
Well BF helped me out here, I'm happy with how it turned out, but boy what a puzzle to fill that space in a good way.
I'm really helpless with this one. I think I'll split this in 2 rooms and make another pastry counter. Right now, too much space and too much stuff at the same time just bleh.