oooook!So You know I'll be exhibiting in the APM mall in Hong Kong (I'm getting used to teh idea) (oh btw did you know it's 27°C right now over there? summer! summer dresses! aaaaaall miiine!) (ahem) ssoooo where were we? Yeah so the exhbiti in HK, and that means production!So here a few WIP (works in progress)Ok that's it, I need to get back to work!
Bon euh en gros je bosse pour l'expo à HK :)Et d'ailleurs, j'y retourne, j'ai de quoi faire!xxStéphanie

village of gingerbread houses :)
There will be bread, lots of it! Bread is my specialty and I have 2 bread displays ready and many ideas around bread.
this is just many cookies for a shop in Germany :) no link to HK, just cuteness :)