New Year, New Challenge!

Daily Insect Art : Formica Rufa, Day 1, 2018, Painting, Stéphanie KilgastNew year, new challenge!Last daily art challenge I did was in 2015, the daily mini veggie challenge, which you can still view on its tumblr blog.

Daily Insect Art

2018, however, will be about insects and bugs!I am starting a daily insect art challenge, starting today, 1st of January 2018 with the red wood ant, formica rufa, the most common ant in european forests.The tumblr blog where I will be posting the daily challenge is conveniently called DailyInsectArtThe idea is to dive into insects a bit more and to learn about them as well! I tend to just replicate random colorful insects I find online but rarely read more about them and I want that to change.

Like a Sketchbook

Unlike last challenge, this one is going to be more free in terms of materials, but also style.It's primarily going to be painting too and not sculpting, simply because sculpting bugs is a very long process.However since these insect paintings are going to feel like preparatory sketches, it means I'm likely to sculpt more bugs as a result too in my "regular" artworks.I also might cut myself more slack when I'm away and just don't do anything when I'm travelling. Last time I did post a new sculpture every day, even when I was on holiday, which drove me slightly nuts.

Behind the Scenes

I'm also going to record most of the sketches/paintings for my youtube channel, which I am also kick starting again this year.So if you're curious on how I approach the challenge and the struggles I will encounter but also the fun facts about insects I'll discover, follow my work on youtube.

Print on Demand

Lastly, this time, unlike last time in 2015, I'm also going to use the opportunity and all the artwork I am going to produce to update on a very regular basis by print on demand shops, namely my own, but also the one on society6 and on redbubble.So expect many new prints and a few patterns as well!Very excited about this!Do you have any fun plans or challenges this year?xxStéphanie


1st Sculpture of 2018


Last Sculpture of 2017