mixed media sculpture under CD
16 x 14 x 17 cm
This sculpture started with Terry Pratchett.
If you are not familiar with this series, it’s taking place in the “discworld” that is a flat disc, balancing on the back of four elephants that are on a big turtle, named great A’tuin.
Later I learned that this myth of the world exists in various mythologies around the world, notably Hindu and Chinese.
I like this myth because it puts the importance of other animals before humans, like a reminder that the world is nothing without the rest of nature, humans being just microbes on a disc, next to gigantic other animals. Always wanted to work on that myth, so here’s my twist on it, the world being a CD.
CD is short for “compact disc” and it had a rather short lived life of a few decades, but it was an intense life and used for absolutely everything, from games, videos, applications and the pictures of your last holiday. I have no idea if they will make a come-back like the current vinyl discs or be forgotten like floppy discs.