
Discussion, Stéphanie KilgastWhat the hell are you doing?Ou vas-tu? J'erre..Dans quelle étagère?C'est quoi ton but?What's your goal?Ja und was jetzt?Painting or sculpting?What? Both? None?Are you going to write everywhere....from now on?You are overthinking...Again!Will it ever stop?Non.What's next?You wanted to work...on abstraction;on over-consumption;on the environment;on veganism;on depression;on human destruction;mostly all that is wrongin our worldOK. Sure.You would like to inspirechangeMake everything betterBut you are loosingyourself...In the dark labyrinthof your brain.That's me by the way.Doubt is my middle name.I'm here to wonder,scoff, yawn, criticize...Sometimes I helpand push you to improve.Sometimes I paralyze.Haven't you learned that by now?You want me to be kinder?You know we are one.It's up to you.Let's try this.It doesn't matter if what you do is good enough or meaningfulJust keep oncreating makes sense to you.That matters.Don't cry.I love you.


Sculpting A-head.


Too Much