Week 8 of Miniature Fruit and Veggies

Hello :)And the round up of the eighth week of my art challenge!I think the mangosteen are too big, but I have no clue as I never saw some in real, I tried to evaluate the size from pictures, but that didn't help much ^^I'm starting to feel a bit tired with this daily challenge. It is a lot of work to handle and I can't seem to be able to make them in advance, say make 3-4 veggies in one session. Right now I truly am sculpting something new daily and also photographing and putting online.Ah well, I need to get a grip about this, otherwise I'm going to exhaust myself.J'ai la flemme de traduire vers le français, donc euh voilà :)En gros, le challenge comment à devenir difficile et faut que j'arrive à m'organiser pour éviter une fatigue trop grande.xxStéphanie