Hello!I don't know how many people are still reading this blog, I feel like most of my followers/readers are on other social media these days, but I digress.My youngest cat Arya lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time, we brought her several times to the vet, but nothing much was found. Especially since she acted otherwise fine.Two weeks ago though, she lost even more in just 2 days and refused to eat and drink, so we went straight back to the vet, who said she was dehydrated and took some blood.He also kept her there on a drip, as she had a clear kidney failure.2 days later, we had to face that her kidneys were still in bad shape and after a radio, we learned they were 1,3 too big.The kidneys were either malformed from birth or through cancer.In any case, she had just days, maybe weeks left.The vet told us we could take her home for a few days, to make the end enjoyable for Arya and us. but after just 1 day, I thought, this made no sense. She was hiding in the bathroom, didn't want to drink, and although she was always purring when I came to check on her, she was overall miserable. I called the vet and we arranged for her peaceful departure.The injections were quick, one sleeping injection, the second deadly.We petted her until the end and her last breath sounded like a sigh of relief.Obviously, lots of tears were shed, but I also felt relief that she didn't had to suffer anymore.After a few days of mourning and way too much sugar for my own health, I decided to get out of my mood and sculpted my little cat.I feel better now, of course, the presence of my other cat helps greatly, not to mention my boyfriend, and the overall kindness and love from fans and followers.I'm in a (almost) good place again, although I miss her. I sometimes still cry, but I also laugh again! (you'll see that in my upcoming Q&A video)I think partly because I felt she was dying and I already started saying goodbye, and also because she was suffering so much it broke my heart.My other cat Puss is very clingy and I think we need to find another cat, but that's another topic.This sculpture is very personal and was crucial for me, but I still hope you find it enjoyable!xxStéphanie