Preserve Our Environment
More plants, less meat!
As the heads of 150 countries are meeting in Paris for the future of humanity, we are watching eagerly every step they make, in the hope they will choose humanity and the preservation of our home over money.That is all good and great, but knowing the past years those meetings were rather disappointing (to say the least), our future is in our hands.And it is our responsibility, each and everyone of us, to make better choices for ourselves, our kids and the rest of the world.So here a short list to get you started or encourage you to continue. It isn't about sacrifice, but about the joy to know you are being the change you want to see.
1. Eat Less Meat
I almost have to laugh at that one, as I've been saying this so often this year, and am in the middle of a heated discussion about veganism in our forums, that I fear I'm very much getting on your nerves with this.But maybe, this will start a little ball to roll and you will change your food habits, like we did.Read more about the impact of meat on the environment here.
2. Buy Less Clothes & Repair Yours
Most of us don't need new clothes, our dressers and wardrobes are full to the brink with clothes, many of us buy clothes that they never wear or wear just once.And even if we wear our clothes, if they get a small hole or something rips, we do not bother mending it.
So buy less, buy smarter and if something needs to be repaired, do!Read more about the impact :
Environmental Impact of the Clothing Industry
Mending techniques :
True Darning Tutorial by Wool & Chocolate
Beautiful DIY patches by Karen BarbeThe technique I use to darn my socks
More information about fabrics Clothing Fabrics: How Sustainable Is Your Wardrobe?
3. Produce Less Waste & Recycle
When buying your grocery, bring your own bags, buy in bulk, choose items that can be bought without packaging. (farmer markets are a great way to buy your veggies and only use your bag)Ask for no bag. When you go to your local bakery, bring your own reusable (washable) bag with you and hand it out for your bread.Prefer cooking from scratch rather than buying ready meal. (it's a lot tastier as well)
For more inspiration :
Zero Waste HomeTrash is for Tossers
4. Overall Consume Less
Less car more walking, use electricity only where needed, be careful with your water use.This is very personal, as we all have very different lives. Some cannot survive without a car, some need a lot of electricity to heat their home, etc.Think about what you consume and where you can reduce consumption without freezing to death or dying of hunger. :)
Read more :
Your water footprint according to your food habitsHow to consume less
5. Don't forget yourself
It's easy to get crazy and try to change everything at once, get overwhelmed and stop altogether because it seems too much to bear.Rather, approach everything with baby steps. Choose one thing to change and work on that, once it has become a routine, pick another thing to improve.You are working on the long run. Breaking habits takes times, so be kind to yourself and cut yourself some slack.