

Persephone, Mantis Painting, 2018, Stephanie Kilgast

The original painting is available here, or you can get a print.

The painting "Persephone" is finished!It is a stylized mantis that is half covered in growing natural shapes, mushrooms and corals.The painting is a direct result of my watercolor series "What is life? What is death?", where I mix insects with vegetation, pondering about the notion of death. When an insect dies it's carcass becomes a hub for new life. Death itself is a strange notion, having no sense on an atomic level.I picked the name "Persephone", the queen of the underworld, who is also associated with spring and the fertility of vegetation.A perfect name for the mantis who grows vegetation and questions the notion of death!The painting still needs to dry properly and then get varnished.It should be done in a few weeks.I really hope you like it, as I intend to make more insect paintings!Below a picture of the painting with myself for size reference!xxStéphanieNever miss new art by signing up on my newsletter!  Persephone, Mantis Painting, 2018, Stephanie Kilgast


Poison Dart


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