New Polymer Clay Book!
Hello everyone!!I arrived back just yesterday, so I haven't had yet the time to go through my pictures, I hope I'll get it done very soon!Meanwhile, I have been working with a group of talented artists to create a tutorial book about organic shapes made with polymer clay!Maybe you remember this mushroom brooch I made a while ago? It is still available with other brooches in my shop btw.
If you want to learn how to create this brooch from start to finish, it will be in Polymer Art Projects—Organic.This new book includes tutorials by 16 artists sharing their skills through a variety of jewelry and home décor projects, all inspired by mother nature. This is a unique, collaborative, profit sharing venture cooked up by Sage Bray of The Polymer Arts and her team to help support and promote some of the hardest working artists in our community as well as providing a wide range of polymer crafters a fantastic resource for building polymer craft skills.The cover price is just $23.95 for print and $15.95 for Digital but, purchase your presale copy before October 10 and get a print copy for just $16.75 or digital for $11.95. Get presale copies here: www.thepolymerarts.comxxStéphanie