For a few years now I have been quite obsessed with street art and mural paintings.
Like with all obsessions, at some point, you find a way to live them out, which I did for the first time last year, when I did my very first mural paint "test" at a local spot called "Dédale".
"Dédale" is a building with four floors. The two first are meant for public access and you have to propose a project and be accepted, the third floor is to fool around for anyone who asks. The fourth floor is called "the bunker" with art studios to try out artworks, but no pictures are allowed up there.
So that specific first mural painting I finished last winter was on the third floor where you can do whatever you want.
Now, however, I am working on a room that is going to be shown to the public in April 2019, I proposed a project and it got accepted.
Now, bear in mind, the building is going to be destroyed in 2020, so the whole artworks in all rooms are very ephemeral. And if you want to see it for yourself, you don't have much time to make that happen once April hits! Here their official website, all in French :D
Here some progress picture of the work so far, since I have hurt my left hand last week, I can only paint, so I have been focusing on this room for the last week.
I will probably need a good 10 full days of work on this room, once it's done I'll post a video and picture on the blog again!
Dédale, Mural Painting, Stephanie Kilgast, 2019 -
Dédale, Mural Painting, Stephanie Kilgast, 2019 -
Dédale, Mural Painting, Stephanie Kilgast, 2019 -
Dédale, Mural Painting, Stephanie Kilgast, 2019 -
Dédale, Mural Painting, Stephanie Kilgast, 2019 -
Dédale, Mural Painting, Stephanie Kilgast, 2019
Paris Art Show 2019
Also... the art show in Paris, "Salon d'Art Abordable" is approaching!
If you are in Paris around the 8, 9 and 10 of March, don't miss it!