Life Crystallizing


Crystallized, 2018, Mixed Media Sculpture on Glass/Crystal Bottle, Stephanie KilgastHellooo Folks!I hope you are having the summer of your lives! Or at least a fun one!... let's just agree on a satisfying one!I have been trying to take things a little more slower and it surprisingly boosted my social media accounts.Who would have thought that by posting a lot less you get a lot more visibility? Maybe it's just chance, nobody understands algorithm these days!Taking things a little slow doesn't mean I haven't worked though. In fact, I did work normal hours last week. I'm trying to get back to a normal working schedule. As in, not work until midnight nor work on weekends. I don't believe overworking is a good thing to do, and I don't agree with the glorification of working all the time. Burn-out is not a joke, I've seen it up close with a very close friend of mine and myself got very close to it a few times.The difficulty for me is to fit everything I do into a week :- sculpting/painting and working towards a career in the art field (little money, but goals)- teaching on skillshare (good money, good progress)- youtube videos (not great money, but still!)- Jewelry/art prints (potentially good money, but might need more focus)- Photographing/marketing/social media (can't really do anything without it!)I haven't quite figured out the best way to fit everything in a week of work. I've already decided that, since I know where I am currently going artistically speaking, I can take time off my art and work on financially sound projects, like teaching and making jewelry.I've also thought about possibly putting some of my artwork up on ebay as auctions, to bring money in and get a little space, as it's going to be crowded in no time!Sometimes I think that with the skills I have mastered over the years, they have to be financial options that I am simply missing! I'm partially convinced that I am doing it all wrong at times.Ah well, I'm probably just impatient!Ok, enough chit chat! I have another skillshare class to edit! Will also have to update the blog about the latest tutorials I've done and the upcoming exhibitions I'm in!xxStéphanie


Apidae - Wild Bees


Tropical Laziness