Hello!I finished another sculpture in gray tones, growing out of a tin can.I can't help but think about a reference to 50 shades of grey (or is it gray?) especially with that title "Kiss Me". HOWEVER : NO. I have not read that book (nor seen the movie) but I stumbled upon excerpt of the book and it was so poorly written it was
bad funny *really* bad. Too many wonderful books out there to loose my time on that one.I thought about naming it "Gandalf", because of the grey and the wisdom, (and because it makes me laugh, admittedly) but I feel like that mouth mushroom is the center of the sculpture, so "kiss me" just imposed itself.In a larger meaning it is also suggesting that trash won't be part of the future, either because we finally dealt with it, or simply because we're not there anymore.Maybe the "kiss me" is also an insult. Who knows what's going on in my head and subconscious anyway. Beats me.Despite the relative lack of colors, I hope you like it.I plan to use this one among others to apply to an exhibition about sculptures in France. I have no clue if it'll pass, but one has to try.xxStéphanie