Let's keep this short, as we all have busy lives!Yesterday I finished another sculptural painting with growing purple and green shapes on a bright geometric background.I'm still exploring the theme of growth and interaction between the sculpture and the flat painting.But all this hard work and risk taking (mostly living on my savings right now) were already a good bet, as, BIG NEWS! I'll be exhibiting my work in Bordeaux, France, at "Les Vivres de L'Art" from 20th October to December. As I'm going to be travelling at that time (more on that on Monday), we'll do a vernissage later for my own work. So I'll keep you updated.In the meantime, I'll leave you with pictures of the last sculptural painting, which I tremendously enjoyed making, even though it was not an easy one to finish with all those color choices.I named it twice "Growth in Purple and Green" and "Double V""Double V" is in reference to the french "Violet" (purple) and "Vert"(green), but also the way we pronounce the letter "w", which is a double of another letter ("u" in english, but "v" in French), and has a geometric value as it presents a symmetry. Quite obviously the name is more for fun and came once the painting was finished. But it makes me smile, so I'll keep that double title :)No special meaning here, as I said, I'm still exploring the theme of growth, be it growing personally as an artist and taking visual risks, but also growing sculptures on canvases.And it is really fun :)xxStéphanie