French Landscapes, Les Vosges

View over les Vosges, France, Stephanie Kilgast
View over Les Vosges


We are back from our short trip to the East of France.
It started in Thionville, where part of my family lives and my grand-mother had her 92th birthday.
We stayed a couple of days in the family and then headed down for some brisk walks in the lovely Vosges.
We stayed in a fun wood cabin in La Bresse.

Wood Cabin, Bol d'Air, La Bresse
Wood Cabin, Bol d'Air, La Bresse

And walked in the fresh, crisp air.

View over les Vosges, France, Stephanie Kilgast

A sort of mountain goat said hello.

Les Vosges, France, Stephanie Kilgast

And we walked and walked and admired the beautiful landscape :)

Les Vosges, France, Stephanie Kilgast

Les Vosges, France, Stephanie Kilgast


We walked more specifically around the Hohneck, which happens to be a ski station. I of course was thrilled to see the ski station completely deserted since we're in the summer season. It was delightful eery.

Hohneck Ski Station, Les Vosges, Stéphanie Kilgast

Hohneck Ski Station, Les Vosges, Stéphanie Kilgast

Walking around the Schlucht ski station, we also stumbled upon abandoned buildings and a church which looked abandoned as well. We weren't sure about the church though, as it probably is only used in winter.
And as the urban girl than I am, I couldn't help myself to capture those picturesque constructions :D

Abandoned (?) Church, Schlucht Ski Station, Les Vosges, Stéphanie Kilgast

Abandoned building, Schlucht Ski Station, Les Vosges, Stéphanie Kilgast

Abandoned building, Schlucht Ski Station, Les Vosges, Stéphanie Kilgast

And this is it for the Vosges, will show you pictures of Colmar and its toy museum in the coming days!

Les Vosges, Stéphanie Kilgast
just me :)


Colmar and Its Toy Museum


Behind the Scenes of Daily Sculpting Miniature Fruit and Veggies