Hey Folks!Long time I haven't properly blogged, I have the tendency to share my thoughts more on
my youtube channel these days.March flew by so fast and the only artwork I did manage to finish was "desertification".Which brings me to a very important lesson I sort of forgot :
always work on at least 2 artworks at the same time, that way you can get some perspective when you're stuck on one.March was also a spring-cleaning kind of month for me, I got rid of many miniature accessories I still had and also sold all miniature table arrangements I had to the same people who hosted the exhibitions in Hong Kong and Shanghai, and yes, those tables will be exhibited in Shanghai again.I talk a bit more in depth about it in following video :

This month also had it's loads of ups and downs too, but a real high as I discussed my artwork with a fellow artist living in the same town as I do, and he was beyond helpful. He really opened my eyes on how to push my artwork further and I am very excited to bring fresh ideas to live.But back to desertification.It is another piece related to climate change, however I left it rather vague, so it's more of an assessment than a critique. One of the causes of human activities and climate change is desertification of various types of environment, even forests. So I wanted to oppose the arid land and it's dry patterns to a rich colorful biodiversity.I also send this one to an art competition, probably won't win, but at least I managed to finish and send it.And below more pictures of the artwork, I hope you like it!xxStéphanie