Cultureindustry 2016 , Paris, Vegan/Vegetarian Food

Helloooo!I arrived back from Paris this week-end and the conferences were exhilarating. I was so proud and honored to be part of this intellectual get-together, and also very humbled and scared, as my work seemed so little compared to the academic talks that were given. The audience seemed to appreciate what I had to say, I got a few questions and even a few students came to me to talk. So it probably did bring them something, or so I hope! :) I mostly talked about my progression, the fascination with miniatures and how I tried to talk about our food choices and their impact on the environnement through
2015's daily mini veggie challenge
. I ended up opening on Lori Nix and Thomas Doyle for their apocalyptic miniature scenes.
It was a two days "think tank" about all kinds of different subjects. it would be impossible to sum up completely so I'm just going to give you snippets of things I liked/noted/remember best. Not citing everyone, I apologize for that already. You can see the full programme just below.-
Susan Stewart, writer of "On Longing: Narratives of the Miniature, the Gigantic, the Souvenir, the Collection"
The magic of miniatures lies in the craftsmanship. It's in the details.Miniatures makes us seem clumsy, whereas giant seem clumsy compared to us.-
Ariane Fennetaux "18th century tie-on pockets and the tiny worlds of women"
Women used to tie flat pockets under layers of their skirts (they used to have many skirt layers) it was their own private world and something men were afraid of. Specific miniaturized tools and ustensiles were made for those pockets."The essence of our existence is captured in little insignifiant things", James Deetz-
Sara Ducci
This physician is currently working on
, this can be used for very secure communication. Toot echnical to go into details here, check link for more info.-
Carlo Sirtori
The perception between the infinite small and infinite big are very different, as humans we have a better understanding of the infinite big than the infinite small. Maybe because we see the big better and it is also more mediatized.-
Anne Hammerstand, Jerôme Boillat
European refugee "crisis", not really a "crisis", as Europe took in about 1 million Syrian refugees last year for a total of 500 million habitants, more specifically 0,2% of the European population.
Lebanon has taken in 1,1 million of refugees, which is 20% of their local population
.Hence why both speakers find using the word "crisis" for the Syrian refugees arriving in Europe slightly exaggerated.-
Josh Dzielak "Building Human systems"
Defines the new workers as "general specialist", with loosely defined roles.For one, I'm falling into that category, as my roles are photographer, sculptor, merchant, marketer, youtuber, to name just a few.-
Yves Gingras
Scientific research has evolved from one single person doing his research individually (ie. Newton, Einstein, Lavoisier) to a big collective of scientists, engineers and technicians. (ie. CERN) Technicians and industrial productions are also now a big part of the scientific research, wheareas before that, most scientists would make their own devices themselves. Also, even if not said during that talk, but from someone else after, now the different parts of a scientific machine are not specifically made for it, but interchangeable in many others things (think "screws" for instance) whereas before, the technicity was worked on specifically for that one scientific machine. (microscope, telescope, what not)-
Naoko Abe
There exists a notation of movement, that has been developed by Laban to write down dance choreography.It notes down following notions : body, space and time. Every articulation of the body has a symbol, then there are symbols for the direction of the movement and the length of the notation defines the time.She did some research on the movement of humans in the metro, when the door opens and everyone moves in an out.But has also worked with roboticists to teach robots to dance and read the laban notation. It turns out it's very difficult to make the robots move like humans. As for one they will draw a straight line from A to B, whereas humans tend to make circular motions, as not to have to move all the rest of the body. Also, roboticists need to program which articulations to move, whereas humans think of the spacial movement.
If you care to learn more about this, she also wrote a book
Philippe-Julien Denoun
Tango! It is a democratic dance that gather people in a free public space. People who do not necessarily know each other will dance in a very intime way for a "tenda" (3 songs) while moving all together at the same pace in a circle.There is no choreography, only spontaneous dancing on known figures.There was more political debate around the notion of tango, but I don't recall it properly.And here the full programme :

the whole conferences took place in Paris, so I did stroll around the city a bit. I did look up vegan options, as, even though, I would not call myself a vegan (
I cook vegan at home - but in restaurants I often revert to vegetarian for practical reasons, AND I don't see myself giving up croissants nor salmon just yet - although I eat those rarely by now
) I still love to find vegan restaurants, as the food is better thought of as a regular restaurants which are making an effort.
helps a lot, but I realized that in Paris, most restaurants have at least vegetarian options and all the "hip" places often vegan ones.Anyway!-
Vegan hambuger at "Hank", in Paris
Most delicious! Their mayonnaise was aaah, I'm dreaming about that mayonnaise and I have to try some things out that might turn out well. I don't have their recipe, but the mayonnaise was not greasy, as I walked the whole day with the leftovers in the very hot Paris, and it looked as good as when I got it. So maybe a silken tofu basis? I can't wait to grab that at the store and do a few tries.The patty itself was moist, the vegan cheese delicious and hmmm just oh so good! Maybe a little too fat for me, but I realize I tend to eat on the healthy side naturally.-
Breakfast at
I met with my lovely friend Marcella from Minicaretti and her husband for a breakfast and we chose the bread baskets (because we love bread!) and were not disappointed! They also have many vegan options, fruit, porridge and what not.It is a chain restaurant of mostly organic bread and food. You can also have lunch or tea time there. And they have tons of delicious preserves! *___*-
Vegetarian Bobun at "
Not planned, but it was good! Not sure if it was vegan though. My friend took a vegetarian Pad Thai which she enjoyed a lot too :)-
Libanese sandwich with falafel
Probably vegan, but might be just vegetarian. I adore falafel and I'm often too lazy to make them, so I ended up eating this again in my train back to home.I leave you now with a few pictures of Paris, and I'm going to tend to the orders that arrived during my absence (thank you so much!)xxStéphanie