Candi(e)d Watch

Candi(e)d Watch, Sculpture, 2017, Stéphanie KilgastHey Folks!This is my latest sculpture on the "growth" topic : Candi(e)d Watch (what a pun! what a pun!)I really wanted a surrealistic, slightly creepy growth of various plants in candy colors, but boy I did not expect the color balance to be such a brain teaser. I lost about 1 day just playing around with colors, trying to look at very colorful artworks, again, again and again until I figured out how to manage the composition.But it certainly was a fun one!

Candi(e)d Watch

Among candy colored plants, mushrooms and crystals, eyed daisies and succulents are growing on a tin can, looking at the current world. One can only imagine what they could think, growing on humanity's waste. There are most certainly judgemental and are waiting to see if humans will bury themselves under their own garbage or not. Time will tell, and they will grow and watch.Available in the shop.[gallery type="circle" ids="8247,8246,8245,8244,8242,8248"]

Eye Ball Tutorial

The eyeballs I used in my sculpture have also been the object of a youtube tutorial, so be sure to check it out!This sculpture inspires me to work on a filmed short movie, hopefully I'll manage to make it soon, and I might just start making more short stories on my youtube channel, as the tutorial are hardly seen anymore and I'd rather put tutorials in my skillshare class.xxStéphanieSculpted Eyeball Tutorial, Stéphanie Kilgast




Online Exhibition - Les Recombinants