Beetle Sculptures
Hey everyone!I finished a new skillshare class and this time it is all about beetles.You can watch a preview of the class on youtube.If you don't know skillshare, it's a bit like netflix, you pay a monthly subscription and can watch as many art tutorials and business classes about arts and crafts as you wish.I have a total of 10 classes over there and if you never tried it, you can try it out for 2 months without spending a dime, just follow this link.
These beetles were such fun to sculpt!They are quite addictive to make and I really want to make more of them.So far I have no clue how to use them, they will msot likely end up populating my growth sculptures.However if you really want one, you can always contact me and make an offer.Some of these I invented, some are replicas of the real world.What's your favorite beetle?xxStéphanie