Atelier Tour

Just beneath and on the whole wall we have a big shelving unit that those before us build in. Which is great as we're book worms.Since there is some space, I arranged books with pieces of art. Just beneath you can see three of the rare real art I possess. One mountain sculpture by Frank Duclos, one emotion babushka "Freedom" from Artmind and next to it a tiny cat that Leslie J. Blackford just gave me :)The boat is a kit JY brought from Korea and made himself, next to it is a mask I sculpted as a teen in a theater group, the abandoned kitchen is still a work in progress and I have a couple of tiny bjds in front of books.
As it is my main creative work right now, the miniature veggies are always out somehow.I'm still rather unsure what to do with these and I have different ideas that are popping into my mind, so I'll see how that goes :)
My working space itself is never tidy. I try sometimes to clean it up, but it stays nice 30 minutes tops. Unless I go on holidays and have the courage to clean up before leaving. (which, let's just face, is rare)You can see two tiles I'm working on and two miniature recipes in progress.I also have too many canes that are taking dust. I need to get a new air tight container to put them aside, as all those I have are filled.There's also a tile-palette that I stopped bothering cleaning at some point. I used to remove the paint and throw it away every time. Nuts.
Here a peek on how I store my clay, plastic containers that are not eaten by clay (PE5) and classed by color. Some containers only have canes in them and one is dedicated to the very translucent mixes.
Finally two more pictures of my main table. Filled with boxes, drawers and general coolness.Hope you enjoyed the trip and let me know if you want to see my not magazine worthy, yet still pretty awesome, home :)xxStéphanie